Sunday, November 7, 2010

65 Snatch

It didn't look like this posted on the earlier one.

33 days.....

....Until the American Open.

Ready or not, here it comes. It'll be my last big meet for a while so I really want to hit it big. Here are some videos from todays workout. Hitting a 65 after two 60s and two 63s made me happy.

First 60

Second 60

First 63

Second 63


And here are some hang cleans from earlier in the week:

55 x 3

60x 3

After this workout I hiked Diamond Head. Luckily, it was an easy hike but wow I am way out of shape in terms of cardio-fitness. Ha!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Always hungry

Even when you hit a PR, especially if its not on a third attempt, you're always angry when missing a lift and always want more weight. At the National Championships in June I hit a PR total, 140, with a 62 snatch and 78 clean and jerk. These past few months I've been hitting some crazy PRs in the gym and was really hoping to showcase some of that at my meet this weekend. I ended up snatching 65 and clean and jerking 80, both huge PRs, yet I found myself disappointed at missing the 68 snatch and 83 CJ. I'm happy that I got that 145 total, but am itching to break that 150 barrier in December at the American Open. Enjoy some video from this weekend!

80kg CJ


Opening 60 Snatch

Clean and Jerk 83 take 2

Snatch 65

Snatch 68

Now just getting ready for The American Open... one month and 16 days away!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

20 October Lifting

After working all day and a little command PT I still had some in me to hit the gym. 3 days out!

Snatching 55

Snatching 60

Snatching 65 (take 1)

Snatching 65 (take 2)

Clean and Jerk 80

Clean and Jerk 83

So Saturday is the big day, still have a few pounds to cut to get down to 58. By far the worst part about this sport is getting into that weight class thats just a few kilos away.... But don't worry Rett (not that you ever do), I'll make it! I miss you and hope you enjoy the video... sorry some of them are sideways, I couldn't figure out how to turn them. I may be an "engineer" but I am absolutely technically inept. And yes, I know the last jerk.... I was so tired that I was surprised I stood up with it. So if I can do it after already working out and being dog tired, I totally got this Saturday. Watch out Team Hawaii, Team Pink is ready to rock!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


So I'm a frequent of facebook (who isn't) and today I became a fan of Barbie. I mean honestly, what girl who grew up from 1960-2004 (the year Barbie and Ken broke up and Mattel lost all hope) isn't a fan of Barbie? I had more Barbies than I knew what to do with and every day after school my best friend Kelly and I would play Barbies at her house. With all the outfits and accessories, a little girls imagination could run wild with fancy parties, beach fun, changing occupations, and taking care of her little sister Kelly with her best friend Teresa. I'm pretty sure thats where my obsession with fashion started because I must have had over 200 Barbie outfits.Anything was possible with Barbie and friends. You could live out your 10-year old wedding dreams with Ken as many times as you wanted. Lets face it, Ken will always be the ultimate guy.
Today I don't have any of my Barbies left. When I was 15 my cousin Elizabeth was born and my mom gave all my Barbies to her. But I'm glad because when I went to Target this Christmas, there were exactly 4 different types of Barbies to chose from. Two involved bathing suites and the other two were extremely fancy holiday-themed and priced Barbie. Today instead of playing with versatile do-it-all and look gorgeous Barbie to play with (and look up to) girls have Bratz dolls. Much like todays culture, Bratz dolls are make-up heavy with less-than tactful outfits. While yes, Barbie was a tall, super skinny blond, at least she gave girls empowerment through her many job titles and tasteful clothing. Barbie made beautiful sophisticated, not cheap.
In my humble opinion, Barbie was an amazing, integral part of many young girls in my generation (including me!) growing up. It gave us the courage to say, yeah I want to be a doctor (or vet, teacher, NASCAR driver, police officer, astronaut) and look stunning.
Next time your at the store looking for a gift for a certain 5-12 year old girl reach for the Barbie, it may change her life!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

First Post!

Hi! This is my first post...well ever. I have a few friends who have had blogs for a while and I never knew what I would write about so I just never got one. But I guess I'm just going to write about me. Not exactly the roller coaster high 24/7 but eh, its my life and if you think its boring the internet is quite huge.

A little about me--I am a Florida native currently residing in Maryland (freezing I might add). As much as I hated it while I was there I love going back home to an 80 degree Christmas. I've never had a white Christmas that I remembered (my last was when I was 4). I'm from Orlando and despite what you might think, I did not grow up at Disney nor did I ever live in the Disney castle. My sister and I are 7 years apart and my roommate is a twin. Talk about differences in family life.

This blog is based on my opinions and I won't try to sound smarter or more engaged than I actually am. It's just me and my life. If you're bored, feel free to read or go back to facebook stalking. I'm certainly not going to judge, we've all got our vices.
